Special Guests & Interviews:
Special Guests & Interviews:

Rob Renzetti
Rob Renzetti
It was an utter joy to get to talk with Gravity Falls supervising producer/story editor/cartoon wizard Rob Renzetti! We chatted with him about the Season 2 episode he directed, as well as the Gravity Falls books he wrote leading up to his current projects as an author!
Hear him in our episodes on "Scary-oke", "Dipper & Mabel's Guide to Mystery and Nonstop Fun!", and "Journal 3"!

Alex Hirsch
Alex Hirsch
We had the pleasure of getting to interview the CREATOR of Gravity Falls itself, Alex Hirsch! We talked with Alex about the international scavenger hunt he devised after the series ended and how it became a huge celebration of the Gravity Falls fandom.
Hear him in our episode on "Cipher Hunt (also featuring Jason Ritter)"

Jason Ritter
Jason Ritter
Jason Ritter is not only the voice of Dipper Pines but is also quite possibly the biggest Gravity Falls fan in the world! We got to talk with him about his path to the show, one of its biggest lore-revealing episodes of the show, as well as the international GF scavenger hunt he participated in with fans!
Hear him in our episodes on "Society of the Blind Eye" and "Cipher Hunt (also featuring Alex Hirsch)"

Michael Rianda
Michael Rianda
We interviewed the incredible Michael Rianda, Gravity Falls S1 creative director AND Academy Award-nominated director of The Mitchells vs. the Machines! We talked about his many contributions to the show, from early development to script writing to voice acting, and how his Gravity Falls experience helped him later in his career.
Hear him in our episode on "The Love God"!

Strong Bad
Strong Bad
Strong Bad appeared on our show, but not Gravity Falls. He still insisted we should mention that Gravity Falls writer/Mermando voice actor Matt Chapman is an old weirdo. We talked about the Cipher Hunt clue Matt- I mean Strong Bad hid in Atlanta, GA.
Hear him in our episode on "Cipher Hunt" (also ft. Alex Hirsch and Jason Ritter)