Mentions and Appearances
"108: Michael Hunter Talks Weird Al to You" - Me Talking Weird Al to You
It’s a crossover! Me Talking Weird Al-phabet to You! Dakota is joined by podcast host and newly minted comedic musician Michael Hunter to talk about Weird Al, play the Weird Al Trivia Game, and take part in an exciting and hilarious new segment. Check out Dakota’s episode over on Michael’s podcast, The Weird Al-phabet.
"Aladdin (2019)" - One Movie Later - Tony Goldmark
In the second entry of The (2019) Trilogy, Some Jerk With A Camera and friends discuss Disney's latest baffling CGI re-kajiggering of an animated classic from the director of Swept Away and the star of After Earth, ALADDIN (2019)!

The Fumpcast: "Episode 463"
Devo Spice and Luke Ski are joined by Michael William Hunter and Uncle Joe to discuss this week's FuMP songs. Devo still can't sleep. Luke moves. 'Hey Marvel' by Michael William Hunter. Interview with Michael William Hunter. News: Bonecage Interview, The Library Bards' Kickstarter, Allan Sherman Live at the Sands, NY Comedy Music Fest Schedule Posted, Madam Opus on Sale, Marc Gunn Farewill to Birmingham Concert, Jeff Whitmire IndieGoGo, FuMPFest Line-Up, April Dr. Demento Top 10. Tour dates. Happy birthday Todd. 'Stuck in Foopid' by Uncle Joe. Interview with Uncle Joe. Feedback. Teasing.
Damsels & Dishes - with special guests: The "Weird Al" Phabet
David and Dan join Jessica and Lexcee in making "Weird Al"-themed foods!
The Dr. Demento Show - Ep. 1812, 1813, & 1817
Michael Hunter's 'Hamilton: An American Musical' parody, "Alfred Matthew Yankovic", made the cut to be on The Dr. Demento Show! However, with its first initial debut, it was credited to David Spencer! The next week, Demento made the correction as well as ranked this song as #2 on his Top 10 List of March 2018 and it maintained that rank for April 2018 as well.
That's What We Called Funny? - That's What We Called Music?
"Jordan, Jessie, and Kendall discuss a number of songs that Napster decided were written by Weird Al, but were actually by other people. This was another extremely fun episode to record."
There's a shout out to The "Weird Al" Phabet podcast at about 1h10m.
Episodes #67 - 70 & 72 - We're All Yankovics
There's another "Weird Al" podcast! The We're All Yankovics podcast guys start a flame war with David, Michael, Daniel, and Andrew of The "Weird Al"Phabet podcast! And it spans over a few episodes! What starts as a simple mention, cascades into a full-blown crossover!
02/17/18 - 02/28/18
LA Comic Con 2016 - with Realm Of Gaming
Michael William Hunter is back at Stan Lee's convention to interview even more cosplayers, YouTubers, directors and producers, and explore everything that is nerdy!!!
The Spreadsheet Special - AlphaBeatical
"Join us as we crunch the numbers and release the spreadsheets."
The Weird Alphabet was mentioned by the show that inspired it! AlphaBeatical gives props to our unique approach to discussing the songs.
Skip to 29:36 for our shout out.
Bradley Malfoy's Ukulele Weird Alphabet Playlist
Bradley Malfoy of Draco and the Malfoys does a ukulele cover of every song* we cover on The Weird Alphabet. How awesome is that?? :)
*He's yet to not do one, anyway. ;D
Interview with Thank You, Internet Podcast - SlackCircus
Here is a playlist of some of the video segments Thank You Internet did for their interview with Jay Allen aka SlackCircus.
TinyOctopusGaming - Risk of Rain: Ep. 2
Sure enough, at the end of this episode of TinyOctopusGaming, "Thank You, Internet" is mentioned! Special thanks to Andrew Frola for doing that! You might also know Andrew from our other show, "The Weird Alphabet"!
PistolShrimps on THANK YOU INTERNET podcast
We were invited to go on the podcast THANK YOU INTERNET. Unfortunately Blondie couldn't make it, but Brownie had a lot of fun with these guys.
"The song playing in the teaser is "Saddest Beach" by Silent Partner and add a special thanks to Jon Bailey for the movie trailer voice."

SlackCircus - Vine: Final scene of the short-lived sci-fi drama series "MARRIED TO THE SEA"
SlackCircus's Jay Allen (the mind behind "Fabulous Secret Powers") added Michael W. Hunter's name in the feux credits of one of his hilarious vines!
Whip-Pan Man
Michael William Hunter plays Whip-Pan Man, the superhero that no one deserves. Also, it was written and directed by Daniel Kawka!
Comikaze 2015 - with Realm Of Gaming
David and Michael take on Comikaze 2015 on behalf of RealmOfGaming.com and interview people on everything NERD!!
Skywalking Through Neverland -
Ep. 100: 100 Guests Share 100 Moments
Yes, you read that right, there are over 100 guests on this 100th episode!! Each of you shared favorite moments or turnÂing points in your life, whether Star Wars, DisÂney, MupÂpets, Harry PotÂter or other favorite fanÂdom. The stoÂries shared in this episode are just incredÂiÂble, and we are so thankÂful for all of you! We really are one big family.
We want to thank all you SkyÂwalkÂers for helpÂing us out by lisÂtenÂing in every week, covÂerÂing events, sendÂing us topic ideas — and just becomÂing our new friends. MTFBWY and NevÂerÂland On Alderaan!
David Spencer was one of the 100 guests. He comes in at 1:17:54

Steele Wars -
Ep. 066: "David W. Spencer, Passionate Prequel Fan & Podcaster"
David W. Spencer is a passionate fan of the prequels and has some very intriguing and entertaining reasons why. A super fun high energy chat about what's good about the prequels, debate about where they misstepped and... gasp... what's not so good in the Original Trilogy!

Shut Up, Leonard! -
Episode 117: "Virtual Systems Analysis (Sn 3, Ep 16)"
Matt Benson and Andrew Linde bring on David Spencer to their podcast that focuses on the TV show, "Community".

The Glass Cannon Podcast -
Ep. 18: "Frum Here, Too Infirm Is He"
The Glass Cannon podcast is a game of DnD played by hilarious comedians. In the intro of this episode, Skid Maher (aka Gelabrous Finn) thanked "David and Spencer of 'Thank You, Internet'" for giving them a shout out. (Of course we did. It's an amazing show!!)

Something Something Experience -
Ep. 49: "Los Angeles Podfest"
David was featured as one of the random guests that was floating around at the 2015 LA Podfest.

Mostly Minutia - Episode 005: "Agricola"
Colleen Lindl hosts a podcast called "Mostly Minutia" where she chats with guests about their passions and David W. Spencer was on talking about his love for Board Games!!
YouTube Explained - "EXCITING NEWS!"
Vincent Kavanagh brings everyone up to speed about his escapades in Los Angeles. Also, he brings Michael William Hunter to talk about the podcast.
Astrid Clover - "Latte Foam Art"
Astrid attends her cousin Ivy's "Latte Foam Art Exhibit," where she runs into rival vlogger, Maxwell Dover (played by Michael William Hunter.)